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The UNPHU Receives Donation from the Personal Library of Pedro Troncoso

Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón


The UNPHU Receives Donation from the Personal Library of Pedro Troncoso


The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) proudly received the personal library of the late Mr. Pedro Troncoso, from the hands of his brother, Mr. Pedro Troncoso. (sic

Attending the event were Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, Rector of the UNPHU, who stated: “The donation of 1,781 books and 2,446 volumes of books, magazines, reference works such as encyclopedias, annuals, and other works, all from his personal library, is an act of enormous importance and significance for the university.”

“We are firmly convinced of the unperishable importance of books as one of the most relevant and marvelous creations of human beings, not only with respect to their preservation, but also to the transmission of culture, science, history, philosophy, and other areas of thought, elements which define the identity of the human being as part of civilization.”

Present during the event were Dr. Fabio Herrera; Architect Eugenio Pérez Montás; Licenciada Daniela Franco; Dr. William Duke; Licenciada Eloisa Marrero, and relatives of Mr. Pedro Troncoso, as well as members of the general public.

Mr. Troncoso was a professor at the UNPHU, founder and president of the Instituto Duartiano or Duarte Institute, the Dante Alighieri Cultural Association, and the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic.  In addition, he was a member of the Dominican Society of Philosophy, honorary president of the Academy of Sciences and History of Madrid, and a member of the prestigious Royal Academy of the Spanish Language or Real Academia de la Lengua.

Dr. Fabio Herrera

Lcda. Nathelie Almonte

El Dr. Wllian Duke y el Arq. Miguel Fiallo, junto a visitante

Sr. Marcos Troncoso

La Lcda. Eloisa Marrero y la Lcda. Daniela Franco

The Lcda. Eloisa Marreo, Mr. Marcos Troncosos, Arq, Miguel Fiallo and Arch. Eugenio Pérez, together with those present


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