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UNPHU Graduates 45 Professionals in Special Ceremony

El Arq. José Constanzo y la Lcda. Daniela Franco, en la entrega de diplomas


UNPHU Graduates 45 Professionals in Special Ceremony

The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) graduated 45 new professionals during a solemn ceremony of special graduation.

The professionals received degrees in the fields of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Hotel Management, Law, Odontology, Medicine, Business Administration, Market Management, Clinical Psychology, and Industrial Psychology.

With respect to program majors and master´s degrees, they included Sciences for Teachers with a specialization in Chemistry, Project Management, Education with a specialization in Biology and Chemistry, second cycle of primary level education, Political Sciences with a specialization in Politology, General Surgery, Hematology, Diagnostic Imaging, Family and Community Medicine, and Gastroenterology.

The ceremony was presided over by the Academic Vice Rector, Licenciada Daniela Franco de Guzmán, representing the Rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, accompanied by Architect José Antonio Constanzo, dean of Student Welfare; Licenciada Cristina Taveras, Director of the School of Hotel Management and Tourism; Dr. Eduardo García, Director of the School of Medicine; and Licenciada Patricia Pérez, Coordinator of the Law School.

The graduation ceremony took place in the Horacio Álvarez Saviñón Auditorium of the UNPHU.

The Lcda. Daniela Franco, while performing the oath

Students during their swearing

The Lcda. Cristina Taveras and the Lcda. Daniela Franco, together with a student

The Lcda. Cristina Taveras, Arq. José Constanzo, Lcda. Daniela Franco, Lcda. Patricia Pérez and Dr. Eduardo García


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