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UNPHU Sponsors its 2017 Beach Clean-up Day

UNPHU Sponsors its 2017 Beach Clean-up Day

Jóvenes de Pienso en Verde


Like every year, the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), through its program Pienso en Verde (“I Think in Green”), held its traditional 2017 Beach Clean-up Day.

The operation took place on the Los Cañones Beach, on the REAGRO campus in Nigua, San Cristóbal, with the participation of over seventy UNPHU students as well as academic and administrative personnel.

During the event students were able to witness the huge amount of various waste materials thrown along the coast, dragged by the currents for miles, and they could see the damage of human activities on marine life through this waste.

Students collected around 1,000 pounds of several types of waste, such as plastics, glass, metal, wood, and non-recyclable waste.

Pienso en Verde is an environmental program led by Engineer Dolly Martinez, which supports UNPHU´s environmental philosophy throughout the entire year.


Jóvenes limpiando la playa



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