Categorías: news

UNPHU Promotes Entrepreneurship in the My Trip to NASA

UNPHU Promotes Entrepreneurship in the My Trip to NASA


The International Science and Technology Commission of the Presidency (CIACT) kicked off the ninth edition of the National Science and Technology Contest called “My Trip to Nasa 2017”.

The contest offers students the opportunity to compete with projects that confront a problem sustainably in order to travel to the NASA base to receive scientific training.

In the development of this scientific and technological challenge in its ninth edition, participants included the director of the UNPHU Entrepreneurship and MIPYMES Center, Engineer Juan Enrique Rosales, who presented the UNPHU Institutional Network for support to Entrepreneurship and MIPYMES.

Within the framework of opening this network to the community, of which they are an important part, he encouraged them to propose the possibility of marketing each of the prototypes, focusing on solving problems that plague Dominican society, for which they can count on the integral accompaniment provided by UNPHU in both intellectual property and entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurship and MIPYMES support centers function using a quadruple propeller mode: Private Sector, Academia, Government, and Community.



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