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Amadita Laboratorio Clínico signs collaboration agreement with Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)

Amadita Laboratorio Clínico and Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), signed a cooperation agreement, by which they favor the management of joint educational actions for the benefit of both institutions and therefore contribute to the sustainable development of education in the country.

Under the agreement signed by Dr. Patricia González Pittaluga, president of Amadita Laboratorio Clínico, and the architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, committed to the conditioning of 12 hybrid classrooms and a simulation space of clinical laboratory for the use of the training center Academia Amada Pittaluga de González and the students of this high education institution. 

Amadita Laboratorio Clínico, frames the signing of this agreement within the activities on the 63rd Anniversary of its foundation, following the faithful commitment to support the sustainability of education and the development of science in the country as part of its social responsibility. 

Dr. Patricia González Pittaluga, during the signing of the inter-institutional agreement, welcomed the work carried out by UNPHU, her alma mater, in the country’s higher education, and reaffirmed the commitment of Amadita Laboratorio Clínico to the development of more and better bioanalysis professionals for the benefit of the health of Dominicans.

“We are proud to have the endorsement of UNPHU for the training of our staff in technical aspects, administrative management, leadership, and service within the Academy Amada Pittaluga de González. A benefit that impacts not only our collaborators, but our patients and the entire community.” Dr. González Pittaluga concluded.

Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, thanked the commitment established by Amadita Laboratorio Clínico to contribute to elevating the facilities of the entity in favor of higher education.

The signing of the agreement took place at the UNPHU Rectory on November 10, 2022, in the presence of executives and authorities from both institutions

Regarding the Agreement

In the agreement between both institutions, Amadita Laboratorio Clínico will provide Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña with the necessary resources for the conditioning of 12 hybrid classrooms, the installation of a simulator at a branch of the clinical laboratory, the development of joint research, and discounts on private testing by UNPHU employees. 

In addition, the laboratory will have an internship program for UNPHU students in its modern branches, as well as an annual cash contribution for investment in infrastructure improvements and various university projects. 

While UNPHU is committed to providing the physical spaces for classroom installation and contributing to the construction of a new talent pool for bioanalysis. In addition, they will provide the endorsement in the selected programs of the Academy Amada Pittaluga de González. 

About Amadita Laboratorio Clinico

Founded in 1959 by Amada Pittaluga de González. It has more than 53 branches strategically located in the Dominican Republic, which have facilities such as: preferential shift, Superkids Experience (waiting area and special care for children), sampling service at home, Wi-fi, Results Kiosk, pre-billing services, WiFi and online results consultation and your Amadita App.

For its quality certifications, ISO 9001 and ISO 15189, Amadita Laboratorio Clínico is constantly monitored by international organizations for validation of process compliance, thus ensuring clinically reliable results. With each action and innovation, the commitment to be an integral partner of wellbeing and health for people is consolidated.

For more information you can follow their networks @amaditalab and download the App Amadita to access their services in an offline way


With 56 years of foundation, it has a wide academic offer of undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education, with a vision of academic excellence, innovation, and research, attached to sustainable development and environmental preservation.


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