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Cemex Dominicana adresse a talk at UNPHU

Cemex Dominicana organized two lectures at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), in coordination with the School of Civil Engineering. The goal was to provide those present, and especially students of the Civil Engineering degree, with knowledge and constructive solutions in pavement processes.

The talks were presented for two consecutive days. The first one was: Road construction solutions in concrete and pavement construction processes (Design of Rigid Pavement), by Engineer Braulio Matos, Infrastructure Advisor of Cemex Dominicana. In his presentation, he addressed topics such as, concrete constructive solutions; main benefits in rigid pavement; technologies used worldwide materials and construction process and, finally, constructive solutions used worldwide.

On the second day of the event, the conference “Concrete Quality Control: Special Concrete Products, Including Sustainable Concretes” was presented by Engineer Damariel Cáceres Marte, senior quality coordinator at Cemex Dominicana. During her presentation, the engineer spoke about the general aspects of concrete; components, quality assurance, correct product selection and special concrete; as well as the products used in the country for this type of work, all available at Cemex.

The event took place on August 8 and 9, 2022, in Sala Max Henríquez Ureña, building 4. It was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. 

In the following links you can see it:  

Talk 1:

Talk 2:


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