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UNPHU Gives Talk: A Day in the Life of the Chemical Engineer (5th version)

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), its Faculty of Science and Technology and the School of Chemical Engineering, gave the talk «A day in the life of the Chemical Engineer (5th version), for the referred celebration.

In the activity the following presentations were made: The chemical engineer within the Pharmaceutical Industry in charge of Engineer Nicole E. Novoa; Chemical engineering, the most complete engineering, by Engineer Milvia Paulino and The role of the chemical engineer in charge of Engineer Pedro J. Tiburcio R.

The talk addressed several topics, such as, the pharmaceutical industry, difficulties to insert into the industry, types of production and manufacturing. Also, on inspection of quality processes, standards, controls and safety and hygiene in production, as well as quality assurance in companies through audits and inspections. They addressed about the ethical and behavioral values of the professional in the performance of their work.

In the event, awards were given to the engineers and professors who participated in the 5th version of One Day in the Life of the Chemical Engineer. 

The event took place on July 5, in the conference hall, and was broadcast on the YouTube channel. You can see it at the following link:


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