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Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of UNPHU participates in the regular meeting of ADOFEM in UCATECI

The Dominican Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (ADOFEM), represented by its president, Dr. Miguel Robiou Kranwinkel, dean of the area of Health of INTEC, together with the deans and directors of the Schools of Medicine members of the ADOFEM; met on Thursday, April 20 of the current year, in the conference room of the Universidad Tecnológica Católica del Cibao, where they were received by doctors Joel Penaló and Luis Rosario, of the deanship of the School of Medicine.

Dr. Marcos Núñez Cuervo, president of FEPAFEM, presented the latest international information of the congresses and meetings in various countries, and mentioned three projects that are being developed: Content creators, in which the Dominican Republic represents the Dean of UNPHU, Dr. William Duke; student mobility with platform in a pan-American network, by Dr. Ronald Capellán of the PUCMM and the project of training of the deans and directors for 2024, by Dr. Rosa Céspedes appointed by ADOFEM. 

Dr. Robiou referred to several topics in the field of medical education, which were discussed in a meeting with the MAP, on medical residences by the National Council of Medical Residencies. There, Dr. Claridania Rodríguez represented ADOFEM, and discussed the general guidelines, a draft of Regulations was presented, which will be studied by the MAP and will work with a committee of three people from the council, representatives of the UASD, MISPAS and SNS. 

The meeting organized by ADOFEM was attended by UASD, PUCMM, UNPHU, UTESA, INTEC, UNIBE, O&Med, UCNE and UCATECI as host. 


ADOFEM is in Law 42-01, is a member of the National Council of Medical Residencies and a member of CONAREM, and internationally is a member of FEPAFEM, in turn of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), the leading entity in medical education in the world. 


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