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Dr. Francisco Antonio Ortega Polanco, new dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at UNPHU

On October 26, 2023, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), appointed as new dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, Dr. Francisco Antonio Ortega Polanco, distinguished graduate of the university.

Dr. Ortega Polanco is a Cum Laude law graduate from UNPHU; with a PhD in Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain (Cum Laude, Outstanding); has two Masters in Constitutional Law from Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris I, France and a Master in State Administration Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain. He also has a specialty in Tax Law, National School of the Judiciary; as well as Diplomas in Comparative Labor Law, by the National University of Cordoba, Argentina; and Diploma in Arbitration and Registration Law for Banking and Business.

In his professional practice he has served as a judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic since 2012, during the first administration in the Labor, Land and Administrative Chamber, and since 2019, in the Criminal Chamber. Between 1995 and 2012, he served as presiding judge First Chamber of the Criminal Chamber of the National District Court of Appeal, member judge of the Criminal Chamber of the National District Court of Appeal, First Chamber, presiding judge of the Criminal Chamber of the National District Court of First Instance, presiding judge of the First Criminal Chamber of the National District Court of First Instance, investigating judge of the Fourth District of the National District, assistant prosecutor of the National District and assistant lawyer of the Attorney General of the Republic.

Dr. Ortega Polanco, is a PhD professor in Administration, Finance and Justice in the Social State, University of Salamanca, Spain. Professor in the master’s degree in Public Administration Law, University of Salamanca-Instituto IGlobal. Professor of Law at the Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) universities and the National School of the Judiciary.

The swearing-in ceremony took place in the lecture hall of the university and was attended by Patricia Matos, Academic Vice Chancellor; Patricia Pérez, director of the School of Law; and faculty members.


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