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Economist Dennis R. Simó donates books to UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) received from Mr. Dennis R. Simó, economist, financier and professor, the donation of his personal library consisting of more than a thousand books. Mr. Simon was received by the rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón.

The books donated by Mr. Simon are part of his personal collection. Among these are the first 85 titles from the Dominican Society of Bibliophiles’ well-known Collection of Dominican Culture, including each volume with its original ex-book under the name Dennis R. Simó.

The books are in the university’s library, reported. Eloísa Marrero, director of the UNPHU Central Library.

About Dennis R. Simó

Mr. Simó is a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic and a member of the Dominican Academy of Language and Correspondent of the Royal Spanish Academy. Simó was the rector of UNAPEC, member of President Antonio Guzmán’s Council of Economic Advisers and adviser at different times to the Minister of Industry and Trade, and to the Finance Ministers.


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