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Forum: Unfair Competition in the light of Law 20-00 in UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña National (UNPHU), its Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences and the School of Law, held the forum The Unfair Competition in light of Law 20-00.

The event submited two related talks: the first was given by. Fior D Aliza Alduey, Executive Director of the National Council for the Defense of Competition (PROCOMPETENCIA) and the second, was presented by Judge Army Ferreira, Deputy Attorney of the Intellectual Property Unit (UPI)

In the second part of the forum a panel was held where different approaches to unfair competition were addressed, which was composed of the graduates: Jaime Ángeles, graduate at UNPHU, lawyer of Ángeles Pons law firm; Maribel Moreta Santana, adviser to the National Copyright Office (ONDA); Iván Manuel Nanita Beato, lawyer of the Legal Consultancy of the National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI).

The words of welcome were addressed by Patricia Pérez, director of the School of Law, who represented the dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, Dr. Juan Alfredo Biaggi, judge of the High Court of the Dominican Republic. Mr. Wander Pulinario, president of the UNPHU Student Law Committee, offered gratitude to those present.

This event was part of a forum cycle, with the aim of contributing to the best academic training with topics that can enrich and strengthen the knowledge and competences of students. It was held in the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall, in building IV, and was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the link:


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