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III International Seminar about Construction of Dominican Identity at UNPHU

The celebration of the III International Seminar about Research and Teaching of Construction of Dominican Identity was held in a virtual format on July 29, 2021. The seminar was organized by the Vice rectory of Research Projects Link and Internationalization from Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) and coordinated by Doctor Miguel Dongil y Sanchez, Ph.D. 

The event was open to all academic communities and people interested in constructing the Dominican identity and was broadcasted live through UNPHU’s YouTube channel.

The topic of the present edition was equestrian, religious, intellectual, and artistic history. Given the scientific and cultural importance of the vent in the opening presentation, the Minister of Culture, Carmen Heredia, participated and delegated the reading of the inauguration for the III Seminar to Mr. George Ripley.

Mr. Ripley indicated: “Any initiative towards research and enhance the value of what we are, know our roots and support our national identity is significant and entails a great contribution to our Cultural Patrimony.”

He greeted UNPHU in a very effusive way. He thanked in special Mr. Miguel Dongil “your contribution for the sponsor and support of the research and disclosure of the history of the construction of the Dominican identity.” 

After the words of the Department of Culture, the rector, Miguel Fiallo Calderón, addressed the attendees praising the importance of research in the environment of Social and Human Sciences.

Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón.
Sra. Carmén Heredia
Arq. Mónica Gutiérrez Fiallo
Dr. Miguel Dongil.

During the seminar were approached the following topics: “The presence and influence of the Equestrian Orders to Merit in the Dominican territory (centuries XVI ti XXI) by Doctor Dongil; “History of the arrival of the horse to the Island of La Hispaniola and its evolution in America (1492-up to date), under Doctor Hector Stefanni; Doctor Juan José Llamedo covered the subject “Commemoration of the 800 Anniversary of the death of Santo Domingo de Guzman: The influence of the Dominicus friar in the evangelization of America and its support in the construction of the Dominican identity”. Mr. Fernando Ferran developed the subject “Justification of the Dominican nation and its Independence today.” 

Architect Monica Gutierrez Fiallo introduced “Footprints in the cultural patrimony of the XIX of the Dominican Identity”; Luisa Jorge, “Origin and evolution of the dance in the Dominican Republic,” and Geo Ripley “Memory of the Pictorial Exposition Horses of Fire from the year 1992 and its link with the identity of the Dominican people”.

The seminar concluded with a colloquium of participants and assistants and the importance of the new generations of Dominicans to awake interest in scientific research and the knowledge of the Dominican identity. The speakers volunteer to assist with doubts or claims in an analysis of the community of UNPHU students. 


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