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The Faculty of Social and Economics Sciences at UNPHU is accredited by the prestigious American Agency ACBSP

The Faculty of Social and Economics Sciences at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), has been accredited by the Board of Accreditation of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), one of the three most prestigious agencies of United States.

With this new step, UNPHU confirms its legitimacy in its field and reinforce its commitment with the educational mission, educational improvement and innovation. Strengthening the institutional processes, with the purpose to provide more visibility to its School of Business and guarantee the quality of educational and learning processes.  

ACBSP accredited the School of Accountant and Audit, Business Management, Marketing and Hotel and Tourism Administration.

The achieve of this level of academic success evidences the reinforcement of the educational culture, the auto evaluation processes and continual improvement in the strategic dynamics made by the University, as well as the alignment of their processes at institutional level centered in the student. 

These have provided the collaborators and professors with the opportunity of professional development and leadership in the evaluation process, focused on results, as well as an active participation of the academic programs. 

To students and alumnae, the accreditation will allow to obtain better work opportunities in the national and international market. 

This achievement is the product of more than four years of institutional improvements and was possible thanks to the support and collaboration of the university authorities, the School’s Directors, services departments, the academic and administrative staff, employees, professors, alumnae, and students. 


Is an organ of accreditation specialized in entrepreneurial education, with the goal to support, celebrate and compensate the teaching experience. In addition to promote the academic quality in a continual way and promote access and inclusion to diversity of the institutional missions worldwide. 

Is the only organ of global accreditation accrediting business programs at the associated levels to grades and post grades at the six continents. 


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