Categorías: EN

Lecture «Advances and Challenges in the National System of Acquisition and Public Procurement»

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, and its School of Law, gave the lecture «Advances and challenges in the National System of Acquisition and Public Procurement», by Lic. Carlos E. Pimentel Florenzán, General Director of Public Procurement.

The lecturer spoke about the advances, complexities and laws on acquisition and public procurement, as well as the norms and regulations governing these processes. It also presented general data on the Dominican public procurement system and its digitization.

The welcome were addressed by Noreem Patricia Pérez, director of the Law School, who represented the dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, Dr. Juan Alfredo Biaggi, judge of the Superior Electoral Court of the Dominican Republic. Students from the Schools of Law, Accounting and Business Administration participated.

The event was held on Monday, November 28, at the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall, in building IV, and was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the link:


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