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The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UNPHU receives the protocolar visit of IIAFA

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) through the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences received a protocolar visit of the members of the International Institute of Forensic antifraud Auditors (II), with the purpose to create an interinstitutional agreement. 

During the event where present by UNPHU, Doctor Leonardo Conde, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Lic. Daisy Pérez, director of the School of Accounting and Audit. By IIAFA, Juan Iván Rogers Harper, Wladislao Guzman and Alvin Ibarra; president, executive vice president and secretary respectively. 

During the the visit, the increase and impact of the Forensic audit was approached and agreed, among their benefits, to offer by the IIAFA to the Faculty, include the Forensic Audit as a module or a subject on the modular courses, as well as to offer seminars with points of interest regarding the subject.

Dr. Leonardo Conde.
Lcda. Daisy Pérez.
Present during the meeting.

Also was agreed the collaboration of both institutions in the generation of courses, seminars, exhibitions, conferences, and advice on the programs of post grade and grade related with Accounting and Audit; as well as the granting of scholarship by IIAFA for professors of the career of Accounting and Audit at the Law School. 

The event was held on May four 2021.  


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