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UNPHU students visit Hanesbrands facilities

Students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, visited the facilities of Hanesbrands, a company dedicated to the manufacture of clothing, with presence in the sector of free zones of the Dominican Republic. The purpose of the meeting was to create practical and enriching experiences among students, to strengthen the competencies acquired in high-level teaching promoted by the university, relying on professors and university authorities.

During the visit, the training staff gave a talk about the company, its main activities, and the corporate social responsibility programs they develop. A tour was made through all the facilities where they were able to know the production processes in stages, by handling materials, the safety measures implemented to avoid accidents and delays in production, and the technology which the plant has.  The students were able to appreciate the planning, organization, direction, and control of all the stages that make up the production process.

The group consisted of Dr. Víctor Mateo Abreu, director of the Modular Courses department; the Modular Courses teachers, Noelia Henríquez, Delson Mejía and Ana Yankely Abreu, and the students of the Modular Course for the period 1-23-23: Paola Brito, Aneudy Hernández, Edelyn Cáceres, Breauly Zapata, Yisneiry Martínez, Braini Valdéz, Karla Liranzo, Ashley Camilo, Arianny Arias, Héctor Ramírez, Eduardo Madera, and Yunairis Canela.

The tour is part of the extracurricular activities of the Modular Courses that are carried out each period of classes.


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