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UNPHU and “Bolsa Turistica del Caribe” sign an interinstitutional agreement

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) and Bolsa Turistica del Caribe (BTC) signed an interinstitutional agreement to support the composition and development of human resources in the touristic area and incorporate quality resources. 

In the document, UNPHU and BTC stipulated that they will sponsor a Human Resources Program in Hotel Management at the level of internships for the participation of students at the School of Hotel Management of the university. Also, the exchange of knowledge among both institutions through academic programs such as master classes, courses, workshops, and diplomates was agreed. 

The agreement was held in the rectory of the university between architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at UNPHU, and Luis Felipe Aquino Humeau, president of NTC. They were joined by Jose Gilberto Soto, director of the School of Hotel Management. 


Founded 55 years ago has a broad academic offer of grade, post grade, and continued education, with a vision of academic excellence, innovation, and research, adhering to sustainable development and the preservation of the environment. 

About BTC

It is a company devoted to services and the organization of events and festivals. It is acknowledged as the most acknowledged tourist festival in the country and the Caribbean 


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