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UNPHU and Chess Federation announce annual international classic “Pedro Henríquez Ureña In Memorian”

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and the Dominican Chess Federation (FDA), announced an agreement for the annual celebration of an international chess classic that will be named after the illustrious Dominican humanist.

The announcement was made by the Rector Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón, and the president of the federation, Pedro Domínguez Brito, who said the agreement will place the Dominican Republic at the highest level in the worldwide practice of the so-called science game.

The university’s president said the annual event is part of the academy’s efforts to expand the practice of an activity that “is both art and science,” and is part of the optional disciplines taught at the university as well as at other universities, especially in more developed nations. “Chess is an activity that requires a lot of discipline and study, and it is scientifically proven that the expansion of its practice helps to improve the student’s understanding of other areas of human knowledge, especially in the field of science and mathematics, because it helps and immerses in the search for solutions to the most complex problems.”

He added that the agreement with the Chess Federation is part of a series of new projects that are being implemented by UNPHU, in an attempt to open wider paths in the discussion of the basic problems of Dominican society.

Meanwhile, the president of the FDA said that this same year will be celebrated the “First International Classic Pedro Henríquez Ureña In Memorian”, the date that will be announced soon.

The rector and the graduate Domínguez Brito expressed, when announcing the agreement, that this step places Dominican chess in a high place, due to its category in the field of culture, and shows the importance that the university assigns to an activity that helps improve the analysis and concentration capacity of students.

In this first classic will participate players with titles of Grand Master and International Master of several countries in which Pedro Henríquez Ureña lived and was professor, as are the cases of Argentina, Mexico, United States, Cuba and Spain.


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