Categorías: EN

UNPHU and Dominican Alzheimer Association gave a workshop for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) and the Dominican Alzheimer Association and similar, as part of a project: Brain Bank phase II:  Awareness campaign of neurodegenerative diseases in Older Adults gave a workshop for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer disease (AD).

Among the approached subjects: AD definition and diagnosis; Medication and Hygiene of the patient with AD; Communication with AD; Ethical and legal aspects on AD; Cares of the non-mobile patient; Psychological and Conduct Symptoms of AD; How to take care the caregiver and Support program for caregivers and family.

The workshop was given by doctors Daisy Acosta; Rosio Rymer; José Silié Ruiz; Zeidy Parra; Alfany Beriguete and Jhonatan Abreu, Sandra Jáquez and Mr. José Modesto, president of the Dominican Alzheimer Association and Similar. All of them shared valuable information with the 40 attendees who assisted. 

The activity was held at UNPHU on October 22 and 23, 2012.  

dra. Zeidy Parra
dra. Rosio Rymer
public Assistant

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