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UNPHU and IDAC- ASCA signed an interinstitutional agreement of cooperation

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation, and the Superior Academy of Aeronautics Sciences (IDAC-ASCA) signed an agreement of interinstitutional cooperation. 

With this agreement, they are committed to joining efforts to develop research projects to raise the competitiveness, innovation, and efficiency of matters of interest of the national aeronautical sector. 

The agreement was signed at the rectory by architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at UNPHU; Roman E. Caamaño, general director of IDAC and Mrs. Clara Fernandez, director of ASCA. 

“The purpose of this call today is not less important: the formalization of an agreement by which Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU); IDAC and its Academy of Aeronautics Sciences (ASCA) are committed to joining efforts of academic connection for the development of research projects in civil aviation, to raise competitiveness, innovation, and efficiency, by consequence, by the promotion of the process of strengthening of the national aeronautical sector” expressed Mr. Caamaño. 

El Sr. Roman E Caamaño Arq. Miguel Fiallo y la Sra. Clara Fernández.
Participants of the Agreement

Architect Fiallo said: “There is an agreement of key importance because we are preparing academically the staff that will be working in the aeronautical and commercial aviation of the country; a very sensible area for the integral development of the country. The Office coordinator of the Project of the Air and the Space of UNPHU-IDAC (PRAE) are immersed in a pilot investigation joined with the program of the European Union, Horizon 2020, where an Italian university, UNPHU, and Private European universities are working in developing the AMPERE project”; this project consists, among other aspects, in the monitoring and inspection of the electrical nets of the country, in particular those in remote areas, of difficult access. With drones, they get in contact with Galileo satellite, of EU and submit information in real-time about conditions of the nets of the EDES”. 

UNPHU and ASCA will offer academic facilities to their related, to prepare the necessary staff in such a strategic area of the national development. 

This agreement was signed in the presence of Doctor Fabio Herrera Roam, first vice president of the Dominican University Foundation Pedro Henriquez Urena (FUDPHU); architect Eugenio Perez Montas, founder professor at FUDPHU and UNPHU; Pedro Cabrera Jr., aeronautical advisor of the Coordinator Office of Projects of the Air and the Space (PRAE); Doctor Bernarda Franco, legal director of IDAC- ASCA and Jasmin Fabre, chief of International Affairs. 


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