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UNPHU holds a technical discussion panel on «Financial education and stock market introduction

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, through its Faculties of Legal and Political Sciences and Economic and Social Sciences, and in coordination with PARVAL Stock Exchange, affiliated to the BVRD; held the technical discussion table «Financial education and introduction to the stock market”, in which participated as exhibitors, Leyvi Castillo, senior business executive and Pedro Ciccone, business trader, both from PARVAL. He served as moderator, Samuel Arias Taveras. Patricia Pérez, director of the School of Law, was present.

Leyvi Castillo, Ejecutivo Senior de Negocios de PARVAL

The speakers discussed the structure of the stock market, its functionality and how it can be invested in. As relevant topics were presented the ecosystems of the stock market, regulatory body, stock exchange, public and private issuers, and the evolution of this market in the Dominican Republic. 
This talk was aimed at the entire UNPHU community; it was held on June 29, 2023, in the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall of Building 4, and was broadcast by the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the following link:


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