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UNPHU and INAFOCAM launches a Diplomate on Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Post Grade Vice Rectory and its Department of Continuous Education, held the opening of the Diplomate on Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity. 

The goal of the diplomate is to train the professors to provide inclusive responses to the educational process within the classrooms. The plan of study developed by the National Institute of Education and Training of Professors (INAFOCAM) is targeted to professors and psychologists of the regions 06 from La Vega, ten from Santo Domingo, and 215 from Santo Domingo 3. 

During the activity, the Director of Continuous Education, Nelson Lora, welcome the participants. Luz Gonzalez, a technician of the Department of Continuous Training of INAFOCAM, gave the motivation words.

Lcda. Luz González
Lcda. Alicia Tejada
Lic. Nelson Lora

During the launching, Professor Alicia Tejada, academic coordinator of the diplomate, addressed to provide orientation to participants regarding the program. 

The specialist professor, Yolimar Mejias, gave the speech “The ABC of Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity” within the activity; Mejías is graduated in Pedagogic Special education with pos grade in special education, social and work inclusion for disability. 


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