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UNPHU creates awareness to the population of global aging

Dr. Daisy Acosta Professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UNPHU and Principal Investigator (IP) of the Dementia Research Group 10/66.

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the National Bank of Brains (BNC-UNPHU) wants to create awareness in the population about brain aging, its causes and consequences as the development of neurodegenerative diseases. 

BNC- UNPHU is a bio bank of cerebral tissue and other samples of neurological interest, based on the incorporation of patients with neurological diseases and healthy subjects through a program of postmortem donation of tissues. 

The main lines of research approached by BNC-UNPHU are: Study of neuropathological and molecular phenotypes in the Alzheimer Disease and other related dementia; Neuropathological and molecular classification of the tauopathies specially of the institutions associated to the advanced age.; correlations clinical-pathological in patients with dementia; Combination and interaction of the pathology of Alzheimer type with the cerebral vascular pathology; methods for early molecular diagnosis in the Alzheimer disease and other pathologies associated with advance age. 

If someone close and beloved has been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease or memory problems at BNC-UNPHU, is able to do all arrangements to facilitate the postmortem donation of their brain in order to confirm the diagnosis and for investigation. 

Persons on early stage of Alzheimer disease, and those with a pre -Alzheimer condition known as mild cognitive deterioration are especially important for investigation. 

The normal brain tissue, for comparison, is difficult to collect, but is very important for research. Collaborators and persons older than 65 years old have a normal memory, can donate their brains for research through this program, after receiving a complete neurological exam. 

BNC-UNPHU has a program for the promotion of donation of cerebral tissue of passed away donors, remarking the free, voluntarily, responsible and informed nature of the donation. 

Any person, institution or organization interested in obtaining information over the donation program, or to collaborate with the working staff of BNC-UNPHU please contact or call at 809.562.6601 ext. 1905. 

About Dr. Daisy Acosta 

Part of the faculty of Health Sciences Department at UNPHU and Main Researcher (IP) of the Dementia Research Group 10/66.


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