Categorías: EN

UNPHU Graduate Wins 2nd Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Center of Entrepreneurship (UNPHU Emprende), participated in the award of the II Expo of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of PROINDUSTRIA, held in the gardens of the “Gran Teatro del Cibao”, in Santiago de los Caballeros. 

There was recognized the project of Saul Lora, graduate of the Accounting Career at UNPHU, La Vega venue as one of the most outstanding of the expo, and was awarded a monetary sum that will serve as seed capital to the AGRICULTIC project. It’s a digital platform that gives farmers and consumers the tools they need to automate all-in-one management processes.

The event took place on Tuesday, January 24, 2023. There was present the director of UNPHU Emprende and Centro Mipymes, Rubí Bretón Bonilla. 


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