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Google DevFest 2023 technology conference held at UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, through its Faculty of Science and Technology and its School of Informatics, together with the Google Developers Group (GDG), Santo Domingo, held on October 6 and 7 at the Horacio Álvarez Saviñón Auditorium; the Google DevFest 2023 technology conference. This year’s theme was «Innovation without limits», highlighting the innovative spirit and creativity that drive the developer community to face today’s technological challenges. 

DevFest is a flagship event of Google communities that has become a global platform for fostering collaboration, learning and inspiration in the field of technology; and brings together developers from around the world to explore the latest trends and technologies in the field of computing, programming, and digital innovation.  

More than 500 people attended the event, which featured conference sessions, led by industry leaders and multi-sector experts. It covered a wide range of topics, from artificial intelligence and mobile app development to cybersecurity, web development, business, UX and success stories, among others of interest to the professional and educational community.

Google DevFest 2023

The meeting offered the opportunity to network among lecturers, students, graduates, administrators and invited companies, which gives way to establishing possible collaborations with other technology professionals and developers from all over the world.


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