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UNPHU held a webinar about the importance of Human Relations in the Professional life and volunteering

Architecture of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) through the Environmental Program “Pienso en verde” (PEV) held the webinar The Importance of Human Relations in the professional life and volunteering with the participation of Cristina Taveras Roques, who is graduated from Business Management of the Tourist and Hospitality Industry and is the Admissions Director at UNPHU.

The activity had as a goal to orientate the new professionals to have a better handling at the moment of expressing themselves. Among the approached subjects are: How can I make a difference with my behavior; The importance and what means my way of expression, How to have a good behavior at work; Good time management and how to have a good relationship with the one around us. 

The event was moderated by Dolly Martinez, director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Direction. 

The webinar was held on March 29 and 78 member students and volunteers of the program PEV participated through the Google Meet platform.  


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