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UNPHU School of Psychology receives the acknowledgment of the Dominican Board of Psychologists

La Lcda. Adrian Doleo Lcda. Marisol Ivonne Guzmán y el Lic. Amaurys Ventura Guzmán

The School of Psychology of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) received an acknowledgement from the Dominican Board of Psychologists (CODOPSI) for being one of the pioneers in the country in matter of teaching. 

The award was given as part of the celebration of 20 years of the foundation of CODOPSI. During the event, was also endorsed the work of the professional in the country in Psychology. 

At the delivery of the award were Amaury Ramirez, president of CODOPSI; Marisol Ivonne Guzman Cerda, director of the School of Psychology and Adrian Teonilda D’Oleo, dean of Student Welfare.  


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