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UNPHU held a webinar “Them: four tones of poetry”

Sra. Ambar Rodríguez

The Department of Philosophy and Letters of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar “Them: four tones of poetry”. With the participation of Ambar Rodriguez, Natacha Batle, Denisee Español and Lery Laura Piña, Dominican poets. The participants recited several poems and explained the meaning for them of each literary text. 

Sra. Denisse Español.
Lic. Alberto Garrido.
Sra. Lery Laura Pina.
Sra. Natacha Battle

The introduction was given by Alberto Garrido, director of the Department of Philosophy and Letters, History and Geography at UNPHU and had the support of the poet Víctor Andrés De Oleo, International Award of Caribbean Poetry. 

Sr. Víctor Andrés de Oleo.

The event was held on Thursday March 25 and can be reached at the YouTube channel of UNPHU in the following link:


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