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UNPHU held the webinar Rethink spaces: Neuroarchitecture and biodynamic illumination

Arq. Noemi Zaro

The School of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar Rethink spaces: Neuroarchitecture and biodynamic illumination, with the participation of Architect Noemi Zaro, sensorial interior designer and neuroarchitecture. 

This event was held within the technical table of Discussion of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts. 

Architect Noemi Zaro in her exhibit expressed: “The spaces influence in our mood and wellbeing, and precisely Neuroarchitecture responds to the construction of cities, buildings and interiors, thinking in the human being”.

Arq. Gilkauris Rojas.
Arq. Mizoocky Mota.

The welcome was offered by architect Omar Rancier, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts. The introduction of the event under architect Mizooky Mota, general coordinator of the School of Architecture and Urbanism. Architect Gilkauris Rojas read the biographical sketch of the lecturer. 

The activity was held on Tuesday March 23, and can be seen at the UNPHU’s YouTube channel at the following link:


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