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UNPHU held a webinar “Women’s human rights in the frame of the international conventions and the Constitution of the Republic”.

Lic. Mayra Guzmán.

The Law School of Universidad national Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar, “Women’s human rights in the frame of the international conventions and the Constitution of the Republic”, within the activities of commemoration of the International Women’s Day. 

Lic. Patricia Santana.
Lic. Juan Biaggi Lama

Mayra Guzman, founder of the Institute for Human Rights and Political Education; Patricia Santana, consultant for international institutions of human rights in gender and Lucy Arraya, defender of the human rights of women. 

The approached subjects were “Violations of Women’s Human Rights, sexist advertising”; women’s human rights at the international conventions” and “human rights of the women in the Dominican Constitution”.

The welcome words were offered by Juan Alfredo Biaggi, dean of the Legal and Political Sciences while the moderator was Manuel Nolasco, professor at the School of Law. 

The activity was held on Wednesday March 24, and can be seen at the YouTube channel of UNPHU, at the following link:


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