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UNPHU recognizes as a distinguished graduate. Yazmina Mercedes Ledesma Ovalle

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, through the Department of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management and its Faculty of Science and Technology, recognized as Distinguished Graduate Yazmina Mercedes Ledesma Ovalle, for having excelled in her professional practice, and the positive impact of her contributions in society, having used her scientific and research skills in problem solving and control environmental damage.

Currently the distinguished graduate Ledesma Ovalle serves as Health and Safety executive of the Chemicals Regulation Division in the United Kingdom, as a specialist in environmental behavior and destination with drafting internal technical and procedural guides; and aspires to get involved in the decision-making process in the field of environmental regulation and in creating solutions that minimize risks on affected natural resources.

The distinguished graduate received the scroll from the rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, accompanied by Engineer Doris Peña, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology; Engineer Maribel Sención, Director of the School of Chemistry; Elizabeth Severino Taveras, graduate coordinator and Ramón Alonso Pérez, coordinator of the School of Chemistry.

The event took place on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

About Yazmina Mercedes Ledesma Ovalle

Graduated from UNPHU, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry, 1994; and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, 1997; with Master of Science in Pollution and Environmental Control Key Modules: pollution damage, water and wastewater chemistry, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Law, Economic Sciences, 2000, by the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

In her PhD thesis she developed the topic: Interactions of Polynuclear Aromatics Hydrocarbons with Mineral Phases in Artificial Groundwater Systems, Evaluation of the transport properties and sequestration of pollutants from various mineral phases, 

representative of those commonly found in groundwater environments. Extraction of selected organic pollutants from aqueous samples, using a novel adaptation of a commercial green extraction technique in a variety of experimental scenarios that emulate natural groundwater systems; in 2011, from the University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.


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