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UNPHU held the webinar “Interconnected Spaces. Residence for a plastic artist.”

Lic. Salusty Mojica

The School of Design of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar “Interconnected Spaces. Residence for a plastic artist” with the participation of the interior designer Salusty Mojica. 

The designer Mojica expressed, “The model of collective housing proposes alternative solutions to different needs of a public requiring the combination of the habitational function and the workspace in the same space, with the purpose to make a more efficient handling of resources.”

Architect Constantinos Saliaris, director of the School of Design, gave a welcome, and Architect Alan García, the academic coordinator of the School of Design, gave the introduction.

Arq. Constantinos Saliaris
Arq. Alan Garcia

This event was held on August 3, 2021 and was broadcasted by UNPHU’s YouTube channel. The link to the event is available at:


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