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UNPHU dictates webinar “From homo sapiens to homo sapiens conviviens. Education 3R: a recipe for success in the XXI Century. Responsibility, respect, and resiliency”.

The School of Education at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar “From homo sapiens to homo sapiens conviviens. Education 3R: a recipe for success in the XXI Century. Responsibility, respect and resiliency” with the participation of Doctor Carlos Manuel Abaunza. 

The activity was part of the Technical table of Discussion of the faculty of Humanities and Education. The goal was to explore factors that should be present in education to be an individual and collective empowerment system. 

The activity addressed the demands of the future work market and the current conditioning articulating the academic offer in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

During the event, they reflected on the individual responsibility in the learning process in university teaching. The event concluded with a discussion about the role of respect and resilience as indispensable conditions for professional success and personal growth. 

The event was broadcast on the YouTube channel at UNPHU. And can be reached at


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