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UNPHU held the webinar “Neuroscience and learning Mathematics.”

The School of Education of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar “Neuroscience and learning Mathematics.”

The event had guest Doctor Rafael Bello Díaz, vice minister of Quality, Evaluation, and Control of Education in the Department of Education of Dominican Republic (MINERD), and a university professor in neurosciences and learning. 

Dr. Rafael Bello Díaz

Doctor Bello Díaz indicated: “The cerebral cortex has four main divisions known as lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital. Each one of these lobes developed different and important duties of evolution”. 

Doctor Juana Morales, from the School of Education, addressed the welcome words, the profile of the speaker was under the responsibility of Yolimar Mejías, professor at the School of Education.

Lic. Yolimar Mejías

This event was held on Thursday, July 22, 2021, and transmitted by the YouTube channel of UNPHU. The information is available at


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