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UNPHU becomes the scenery for the Technical Expert Commission

CODOCA members

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena (UNPHU) became the scenery for the 21st assembly of the Experts Technical Committee from the Dominican Council of Quality (CODOCA), developed with the participation of technical representatives of its 23 permanent members. 

UNPHU served as a host as a Technical representative of the Dominican Association of Chancellors of Universities (ADRU), before such council. The Commission addressed the points of the agenda, in accordance with the outlined-on article 26 from the Law 166-12 from the Dominican System for the Quality (SIDOCAL). 

Dra. Circe Almánzar, Vice President of AIRD

The Technical Commission of Experts (CTE) has as duties to take the technical decision, for the Directive Council of CODOCA could approve, officialize and suggest the elaboration, update, adoption, adaptation, harmonization, derogation and divulgation of the rules that will ease the assessment of the compliance, the development of the productive sectors and the bases to improve the quality of products, processes, installations and services of Dominican Republic.  

Assembly participants

This event was held on Tuesday February 25, in the Conference Hall at UNPHU. 


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