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UNPHU, inaugurates its National Brain Bank in UCATECI, La Vega

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña inaugurated its National Brain Bank (BNC-UNPHU), in the Juan Pablo II Hall, of the Catholic Technological University of Cibao (UCATECI), on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The exhibition entitled “From neuroscience to psychology”, in which the mysteries behind one of the most enigmatic organs of the human body are revealed, will be held until November 18, in the Benedict XVI Hall of the Administrative Building of the institution.

During the event, the Inaugural Conference «Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on the family and society» was held, within the exhibition «The brain and neurodegenerative diseases» of the Museum of the National Brain Bank UNPHU, by Dr. Daysi Acosta, researcher, and director of the BNC-UNPHU.

Dr. José Guillén, director of Special Projects, adviser to the National Brain Bank (BNC-UNPHU); Karina Villar, director of the UNPHU Center of La Vega and Nathalie Almonte, Head of Communications & Marketing. By UCATECI, Reverend Father Dr. Sergio de la Cruz de los Santos, rector; Rafaela Carrasco Ramos, vice-rector of Academic Affairs of the Degree; Reverend Father César Miguel Peralta, director of the University Pastoral; and Dr. Bienvenido Antonio Veras Estévez, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Dr. José Guillén, Padre Dr. Sergio de la Cruz de los Santos, Dra. Daysi Acosta, Lcda. Karina Villar, Lcda. Nathalie Almonte y Bienvenido Antonio Veras Estévez

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