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UNPHU opens the second seminar on Research and Psychological Intervention with the central theme Research Seedbed

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña National (UNPHU), and its School of Psychology in coordination with the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Campus Barrancabermeja, opened the second seminar in Research and Psychological Intervention, with the central theme “Research Seedbed”; dictated by Dr. María Guadalupe Silva, of the School of Dentistry of UNPHU, and doctors Julio Moreno and Wilson Salas, of the aforementioned Colombian university.

During the event, the academic community learned about the importance of research seedlings as spaces for training and knowledge construction, in which multidisciplinary teams of researchers, teachers, specialists in the area of interest and students can participate.  Collaborative and team management work is promoted through research seedbeds.

The event, which took place on June 15, 2022, in the Conference Hall, Building 3 of UNPHU, was aimed at the university’s educational community, the Cooperative University of Colombia, and the general public. Departmental directors, deans, professors and students from both UNPHU and UCC universities were present.


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