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UNPHU and the Lux Mundi Educational Community sign a framework agreement on scientific and cultural academic collaboration

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) and the Lux Mundi Educational Community signed a framework collaboration agreement, with unlimited duration. This agreement seeks to strengthen the relations of exchange and collaboration between the two institutions, for the development of joint actions that are mutually beneficial.

The two institutions have as common purpose the promotion of research and its development, the promotion of innovation, as well as scientific and technical training for postgraduates and training in the general field, as well as contributing by promoting activities that encourage the development of the economy and society in all areas of their respective areas of influence.

In order to make the relations of exchange and collaboration viable, both parties undertake, to the extent of the means at their disposal and in accordance with the rules of both institutions, to develop joint actions through their respective institutional bodies and in permanent coordination for their development.

The signing of the framework agreement took place at the rectory of the university on June 21, 2022, between architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at UNPHU and Dr. Leonor Elmudesi of Bancalari.

At the signing attended Dr. Vanessa Espaillat, deputy director of Human Development and Nicole Rosario, deputy academic director of Lux Mundi School, and by UNPHU la Licda. Patricia Matos, academic vice-chancellor of UNPHU and Mr. Aldo Erazo, director of international relations.


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