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UNPHU receive the visit of the members of Amadita Laboratory

UNPHU authorities with members of the amadita laboratory

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) received the visit of the members of the presidency and management of Amadita Laboratory. The encounter was held with the purpose to explore the alliances and agreements between both institutions. 

During the visit of members of the amadita laboratory

Present at the event were Doctor William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UNPHU; Doctor Claudia Scharf, director of the School of Medicine at UNPHU; the shift doctor ant the Medical dispensary; Engineer Ramon Mendez, director of the Department of Physical facilities at UNPHU and managers of Amadita laboratory. 

The visit was welcome at the VIP room of the Rectory, then they visited the medical dispensary of the university and ended at the Operation Center of Objective Systemized Medical Simulation (COSMOS).  

The activity was held on Friday February 19, 2021 in themorning. 


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