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UNPHU initiates a training program for emergency room personnel, with the Ministry of Health and OPS/OMS

UNPHU initiates a training program for emergency room personnel, with the Ministry of Health and OPS/OMS


El Dr. Wllian Duke, Dra. Myrna Font Fría, Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, Dr. Hernan Rodríguez Gonzáles y el viceministro Neftali Vásquez.

During an event held in the Max Room of the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), was inaugurated the Training Program for Health Personnel Emergency Rooms of Health Establishments, which will be developed in the Center for Operations in Medical Simulation Objectively Systematized (COSMOS) of the university.

This training program is the result of a joint effort of the National Health Service (SNS), the UNPHU and the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (OPS/OMS), and aims to strengthen the management of emergency rooms of the hospitals and the care given by the health personnel of these.

In this first stage, 208 general practitioners, emergency physicians, internists, intensivists, as well as graduates and auxiliary nurses, all members of the emergency room teams of health facilities in the Metropolitan Region, will participate in the program.

The training program will consist of three modules: one of basic life support aimed at all emergency room staff, with a total of 40 hours; a second and a third module in advanced life support and trauma, and in emergency management management, aimed at emergency physicians and nurses, with a total of 60 and 40 hours, respectively.

«This training program is intended to be a contribution to the work of health service managers, particularly in emergency services, who face significant challenges on a daily basis on how to improve care, particularly in times when the demand for services increases and available resources decrease, «said Dr. Hernan Rodríguez Gonzáles, OPS/OMS, at the opening ceremony.

In addition, he congratulated the professionals responsible for ensuring the timeliness and quality of care in each of their emergency services, «for their commitment to work together in a structured response to clinical management, to the continuous improvement of the quality and knowledge management in emergency services, whose implementation we are sure will have direct positive effects on patients, professionals and the health system as a whole. «

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, Vice-Rector of Management and Extension of UNPHU; the Deputy Minister Neftali Vásquez, of the Ministry of Public Health; Dr. Wllian Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of UNPHU; Dr. Myrna Font Frías, director of the Metropolitan Region of Health and Dr. Hernan Rodríguez Gonzales, OPS/OMS.

In addition, officials from the Ministry of the Presidency, the National Emergency and Safety System 9.1.1, the Ministry of Public Health, teachers, as well as program participants, among others, were present.


El Dr. Wllian Duke, Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, Dra. Myrna Font Frías, viceministro Neftali Vásquez y el Dr. Hernan Rodríguez Gonzáles

Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, vicerrector de Gestión y Extensión de la UNPHU

Neftali Vásquez, viceministro de Salud Pública


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