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UNPHU Signs Collaboration Agreement with the Chamber of Deputies

The architect Miguel Fiallo, rector of the UNPHU, together with Mr. Rubén Maldonado, president of the Chamber of Deputies, in the firm


UNPHU Signs Collaboration Agreement with the Chamber of Deputies


The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) signed a collaboration agreement with the Chamber of Deputies, through the “Transparent Democracy” program, whereby graduating students may do internships in Chamber of Deputies.

The program seeks to integrate university students into the legislative and administrative work of the Chamber of Deputies, and strengthen the value of the work as an indispensable and dignifying element for life, based on personal formation and not simply in utilitarian terms.

During the activity Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón stated how happy the institution was to sign the agreement, indicating that it will allow university students to familiarize themselves in greater depth with the functioning of the National Congress.

The ceremony for the signing of the agreement was held in the Hugo Tolentino Hall of the Chamber of Deputies, in the presence of the rectors of the Universidad Abierta para Adultos (UAPA), Mr. Ángel Hernández; Universidad Acción Pro Educación y Cultura (UNAPEC), Mr. Franklyn Holguín Haché; the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Mr. Julio Amado Castaños Guzmán, and the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA), Ms. María Elena Cruz, with whom the Chamber also signed agreements.

Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón

The Architect Miguel Fiallo, rector of the UNPHU, together with Mr. Rubén Maldonado, president of the Chamber of Deputies

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, together with the participating rectors


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