Categorías: Noticias

Eng. Carlos Troncoso Lluberes is recognized 

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña and its Department of Management of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management, recognized Engineer Carlos Troncoso Lluberes, in the second edition 2022- 2023. 

This recognition is the highest award that a graduate can obtain, after excelling in the different areas of public and private life, and which enjoys professional prestige. Mr. Troncoso has been outstanding in his professional career in the field of education for more than 26 years, contributing to the enrichment of professionals in the civil engineering profession and contributing, as a consultant and adviser, to the development of the Dominican Republic in the field of infrastructure construction, resource optimization, structural rehabilitation, and seismic risk reduction.

The award was given by the rector of the university, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Eng. Doris Peña; Eng. César Mercedes, Director of the School of Civil Engineering Laura Veloz Espejo, Director of the Department of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management UNPHU.The recognition event took place on February 9, 2023, in the rectory of the university.

About Eng. Carlos Troncoso Lluberes

He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from UNPHU, has studied Structural Rehabilitation and Earthquake Repair at California State University, strengthening the training received. He has postgraduate studies in Structural Engineering and Seismic Engineering by INTEC and in University Management by the University of Alcalá de Henares. 

During his professional career, he has excelled in three areas in his Alma Máter, as a professor of the subjects of Foundations and Soil Mechanics; he held the position of director of the departments of Physics and Geomatics, also served as dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology for a period of 15 years. He is an adviser and consultant in the field of structural rehabilitation and seismic risk reduction. 

He has developed various construction projects at the national level such as residential, shopping centers, housing complexes, aqueducts. Engineer Troncoso was in charge of the construction of the four stations of the Santo Domingo Cable Car. He is currently an active member of CODIA, the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE and the American Concrete Institute, ACI.   


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