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Acknowledged UNPHU graduates are recognized by Harvard University

Dr. Loudwin de los Santos

Doctors Vladimir Hernandez Herasme and Loudwin de los Santos, graduates form the School of Medicine and the School of Odontology at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) were acknowledged by Harvard University for satisfactory completion of the program Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR) of such university. 

Both graduates were acknowledged in the research activities during their studies at UNPHU. The doctors belong to the National Career of Research in Science, Technology and Innovation, also participating in research projects at the National Fund of Innovation and Scientific Technological Development (FOBDOCYT), the Department of Superior Education Science and Technology (MESCyT). They actively participate in the activities of Seedbeds of Research of their schools and have submitted several investigations works at scientific research congresses.

Dr. Vladimir Hernández Herasme

The purpose of the course PPCR is to offer a learning environment highly interactive for the education on clinical research at international level and create a global net of clinical researchers to promote future collaboration on this field.

PPCR has been a leading global program on clinical research methods, training more than 3,000 students in the last 12 years. 


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