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UNPHU holds a Master’s Degree Dr. Bienvenido Delgado Billini «Sexually transmitted diseases, new strategies for their prevention and control of public health»

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), its Faculty of Health Sciences and the School of Medicine, in coordination with the Directorate of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management, held the Master Chair of Public Health Dr. Bienvenido Delgado Billini «Sexually transmitted diseases, new strategies for their prevention and control of public health» by Dr. Leandro A. Mena, MD, MPH director of the Division of Prevention (DSTDP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, United States.

During his presentation, Dr. Mena indicated that STIs can have important health consequences, including genital symptoms, complications during pregnancy, infertility, increased likelihood of HIV transmission and psychosocial effects.

He also said that the 21st century has seen a global resurgence of sexually transmitted infections. Today, with the rise of curable STIs, we have seen epidemics and outbreaks of sexually transmitted “non-classic” pathogens that cause a wide range of clinical syndromes. 

He also referred to COVID-19, the challenges brought by the disease, clashes, lessons and lessons it has left regarding current public health and health care infrastructure, such as the importance of equitable access to it.

Dr. Mena was credited with the Distinguished Graduate of Medical School. The certificate was given by the rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, joined by Laura Veloz Espejo, Director of the Department of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management at UNPHU. The recognition was given for his outstanding professional career, the social commitment he has demonstrated and for his contributions to society.

The table of honor was made up by him, Dr. Leandro A Mena, MD, MPH, director of the Division of Prevention of DSTDP, CDC, Atlanta, USA; Dr. Carlos Montero Brens, Regional Director of Central America and the Caribbean of the Latin American Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SLAGHNP); Dr. Rubén Darío Pimentel F. MD, MpH, Research Coordinator of the National Institute for Integrative Research in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (INIGAHNP), Pediatrician-Pulmonologist-Healthologist; Dr. Leonor Farray Bergés, Vice Chancellor of Postgraduate Studies Degree and Continuing Education; Dr. William Duke, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Dr. Luis Rojas Grullón, President of the Society of Medical Graduates (SEM-UNPHU), professor and member of the Dominican University Foundation Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Inc. (FUDPHU; Dr. Eddy Pérez Then, director of the School of Medicine O&M (O&MED), and the Center for Research in Global Health and Biotechnology associated with the school of medicine and the academic coordinator Dr. Jehison Corporán.

The activity took place on July 22, 2022, in the Auditorium Horacio Álvarez Saviñón. 

Photo captions:

Photo 1- Main

Dr. Leandro A Mena Calderón, MD, MPH, director of the Division of Prevention of DSTDP, CDC, Atlanta, USA; Dr. Carlos Montero Brens, Regional Director Central America and Caribbean of the Latin American Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SLAGHNP); Dr. Rubén Darío Pimentel F. MD, MpH, Research Coordinator of the National Institute for Integrative Research in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (INIGAHNP), Pediatrician-Pulmonologist-Salubrist; Dr. Leonor Farray Bergés, Erector of Postgraduate and Continuing Education; Dr. William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Dr. Luis Rojas Grullón, president of the Society of Medical Graduates (SEM-UNPHU), professor and member of the Dominican University Foundation Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Inc. (FUDPHU); Dr. Eddy Pérez Then, director of the School of Medicine O&M (O&MED), and the Center for Research in Global Health and Biotechnology associated with the school of medicine and the academic coordinator Dr. Jehison Corporán.

Photo 2

Dr. Leandro A Mena, MD, MPH director of the DSTDP Prevention Division, CDC, Atlanta, USA.


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