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ADRU held a meeting with Ministers

Members of the Dominican Association of University Rectors (ADRU) held a work lunch in the company of Doctor Franklin García Fermín, Minister of Superior Education Science and Technology (MESCyT), and Rafael J. Féliz García, Minister of Youth at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU). 

During the meeting, the rectors composing ADRU shared with the ministers knew about recommendations and alternatives facing different subjects assumed by that Department and opened the doors of goodwill in collaboration for the good of the Dominican youth.

The assistants considered performing possible joined actions of approach in benefit and follow up of students with scholarships facing the new perspective of the National Scholarships System. Additionally, in taking join in favor of young people facing vulnerability and support them with initiatives of entrepreneurship and research programs. 

Mr. José Altagracia Hazim Torres, the rector of Universidad Central del Este (UCE) and current ADRU president, addressed the presents, indicating: “Today we have an open dialogue with the Minister of Youth, where we will listen about plans and actions of the Department in favor of the Dominican youth and from the Superior Education System.”

Dr. García Fermin appointed: “I congratulate the Ministry of Youth for the initiative of meeting with the members of ADRU. To share with you teg god news about the National Scholarship System.”

Mr. Feliz García, during his address, expressed: “Today we want to establish a dialogue about the preliminary report made by the Department, facing the commitments assumed with the universities, from the National Scholarship System.” 

At the meeting where the members of the Board of Directive, architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at UNPHU; Father Sergio De La Cruz, rector of Universidad Católica del Cibao (UCATECI); Doctor José R. Espaillat Muñoz, rector of Instituto de Educación Superior in Diplomatic and Consular Education (INESDYC); Lorenzo Cuevas, Executive Director at ADRU, and other rectors’ members of the association.

On Wednesday, February 9, the activity was held at Max Henriquez Ureña Hall. 

About ADRU 

ADRU is an organization with more than 41 years of history, joined by 24 universities of the most important and prestigious of the country, representing more than 85% of the student population, around 72% of the professors of the Superior Education Institutions Dominican Republic. On August 18, 1980, it was founded as a nonprofit association, integrated by Dominican private and state universities acknowledged by the in-force laws. Its legal status was granted by Decree No. 2548 dated July 1981. 

ADRU has a mission to Promote the Quality of the System of Superior Education and strengthen its institutions by generating and applying knowledge for the Sustainable Development of Dominican society. Its vision is to be the leading organization of joined action and cooperation interuniversity of the Dominican Republic. 


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