Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held its yearly meeting of graduates from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. More than 40 graduates from the Schools of Business Management, Accounting and Audit, Marketing and Hospitality and Tourism attended the meeting.
This event had the purpose of integrating the community of alumnae with their Faculty and their Alma Mater.
The event started with welcome words, then the presentation of the School Directors, where each one of them remarked on the importance of this event.
The accreditation by the ACBSC was received this year, and its essential and impact on the business programs were also addressed. Also, benefits available for the graduated, like discounts in the use of the facilities of the university and the Faculty, among them hybrid classrooms, computer labs, library, also improvements in the teaching systems and the accounting software for the School of Accounting and the Gastronomic Lab for the School of Hospitality and Tourism.
The meeting ended with the election of the board of Graduated of the faculty 2022-2024, which will be represented by five members of each one of the schools. This board will be responsible for providing continuation to the student’s plan.
The graduates enjoyed a toast and a symbolic present. The event was held in the Conference room at the Central Library on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.
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