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Project AMPERE executes an Operational Validation Campaign in the “Los Tres Brazos” 

Unversidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), received the visit of the officials of Systemática S.M.R.E. Gruppo, leader of the AMPERE consortium for the technical collaborations required in the execution of the Operational Validation Campaign in “Los Tres Brazos”, circuit LM6902 served by Distribuidora de Electridad del Este (EDEESTE). 

The AMPERE project (Asset Mapping Platform for Emerging Countries Electrification) is based on the use of the European Union Global Navigation Satellite System (GALILEO and EGNOS constellation) as a precision tool, together with the help of Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), perform georeferenced surveys in the power grid to detect through different types of cameras and sensors, anomalies and energy losses in low and high voltage wiring. Through various data collection processes, such as the processing of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), better efficiency in the technical and administrative management of the country’s electricity sector is pursued.

The Validation Campaign was carried out as part of the project activities, from April 30 to May 6, 2022, with the participation of the technical teams of the Department of Energy and Mines (MEN) and its Project Implementation Unit (UEP); EDEESTE; the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC); UAV Dominicana; Sistema S.M.R.E. Gruppo and the School of Geomatics at UNPHU.

Before the farewell of the officials, the experiences and impressions of the fieldwork were shared in a meeting held at the rectory of the university, where they were received by the architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector; Dr. Fabio Herrera, first vice president of the Dominican University Foundation Pedro Henríquez Ureña (FUDPHU), and architect Eugenio Pérez Montás, ad Vitam adviser of UNPHU.


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