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Representative of the School of Dentistry of UNPHU visits the University Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX) in Madrid

Dr. Héctor Luis Rodríguez Soñé, Assistant Director of International Relations at the School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), visited the facilities of the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (UAX) in the community of Madrid, Spain. He was welcomed by Dr. Juan Manuel Aragoneses, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, José María Sandoval, director of International Expansion and Paloma Chamorro, clinical coordinator of postgraduate of the aforementioned institution.

During the meeting, Dr. Rodríguez had the opportunity to exchange ideas with his peers. The UAX showed interest in working together, raising the possibility of establishing a mobility program for students and teachers from both institutions. 

During the tour of the UAX, Dr. Rodríguez visited the operational center of the School of Dentistry, where he could observe that the patient is the main axis; as well as the model of administrative management of dental clinics where they have administrative staff trained to give an optimal service to patients. 

The purpose of the visit was to strengthen relations and to assess the possibility of collaboration. 


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