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Researcher at UNPHU Dr. Daisy Acosta wins the First Award of the prize Women who Change the World

Dr. Daisy Acosta, director of the National Brain Bank (BNC-UNPHU), received the first award, “Women who Change the World,” granted by Banco BHD Leon, created to acknowledge women whose initiative makes a positive impact in their community or the country. 

Acosta was chosen by a jury due to her work as a scientific researcher and creator of the first National Brain Bank of Dominican Republic, in the facilities of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, her alma mater. Also, her management as past president of the World Alzheimer Association, an organism which granted her the honorary vice president for life. 

The winners of the awarded second places were Ramona Ureña, ecologist activist, president, and founder of the Environmental Protection Committee and integrant of the Association of Cacao producers of the Micro Basin Haina Duey, and Evelyn Peniche, professor, and founder of the Christian School Espacio de Amor, a pedagogical model of inclusive integral teaching, responding to needs of education of more than 500 students of the communities of high social risk of Villa Enmanuel, Las Chchiguas. 

During the event, Mr. Steven Puig, executive president of Banco BHD Leon, appointed: “In addition to acknowledging the braveness of the women striving to create changes in their communities, this edition of the award also wants to recognize women working for the everyday wellbeing in the Dominican Republic. 

The event was headed by Luis Molina Achécar, president of the BHD Leon Finance Center, and had the presence of Raque Peña, vice president of the Republic; Raquel Arbaje, First Lady of the nation; and the Ministry of Women, Mayra Jimenez.  


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