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University of Massachusetts Boston professors give lecture at UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) received a visit from medical doctors Douglas Golenbock, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the School of Medicine, and Kenneth L. Rock, head, and professor of Pathology at the University of Massachusetts Boston Medical Center, who gave the lecture “Update on Immunology and Selected Topics in Infectology.” 

During the lecture, the professors gave presentations on dengue, malaria, covid-19 and fungal diseases. They also addressed immunology-related conditions and the signs and symptoms that are caused by these diseases.

The professors at the University of Massachusetts Boston were received by the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr. William Duke; Dr. Eduardo Garcia, associate dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Dr. Claudia Scharf, director of the School of Medicine and Aldo Erazo, Director of International Affairs at UNPHU.

The event took place on June 6, 2023, in the University’s Conference Room. 


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